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Committed to Continuous Improvement

Dec 19, 2022

As part of ALS commitment to continuous improvement an automated SVOC & Phenols extraction method was introduced this year. By combining automated robotic extraction with more sensitive GC-MS instruments we combine two methods SVOCs and Phenols into a single method.

The new method greatly reduced to volume of sample required for analysis moving from requiring a 500ml & a 250ml glass bottle to only needing two 40ml vials. This reduction in sample volume means less weight to carry when undertaking sampling and a reduction in weight and space when the bottles are transported. Another environmental benefit of the method is a large reduction in the volume of solvent used during extraction reducing waste. Despite the reduction in sample volume due to the new instrumentation used for this method offers lower reporting limits for the majority of SVOC compounds in the suite. ALS have plans for more continuous improvement projects throughout 2023.

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